Продам спектрофотометр EFI ES-2000 ( X-Rite i1 Pro 2) Москва


Продам спектрофотометр EFI ES-2000 ( X-Rite i1 Pro 2) Москва

Сообщение Opencolor » 11 ноя 2015 13:08

Продам новый спектрофотометр EFI Es-2000 (X-Rite i1Pro 2 OEM редакция).
Стоимость 49 тыс.
Полная комплектация, отправка в регионы.
Opencolor собака mail.ru

Open instrument
Connection: Successful
Open instrument: Successful

Instrument information
Instrument inspection: Successful
Serial number i1Pro: 7020710
Type: i1Pro
Revision: E
Firmware version: 634
CPLD version: 999
Dark measurement count: 2573
Lamp burning time: 44.3 seconds
Spot measurement count: 19
Scan measurement count: 10
Factory calibration: 17.12.2013
Spectral Module ID: 01-7d83f015000064
Supplier: 'EFI-ES2000'
Warranty start date: 02.05.2014 15:35:56
Recertification date: -

Instrument Licenses
Measurement Modes: [Reflectance Spot, Reflectance Scan, Emission, DualReflectance Spot, DualReflectance Scan]
Licensed functionality: [Has UV LED, Has Wavelength LED, Has Zebra Ruler sensor, Max Ruler Length = 300 mm, Has Indicator LED, Spectral values, Tristimulus, Density]
Licensed Modules:
i1Match Module "Scanner": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Monitor": licensed
i1Match Module "Printer": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Printer RGB only": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Printer CMYK only": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Beamer": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Printer Easy RGB": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Printer Easy CMYK": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Digicam": NOT licensed
i1Match Module "Editor": NOT licensed
i1Profiler Module "Display Profiling": NOT licensed
i1Profiler Module "RGB Printer Profiling": NOT licensed
i1Profiler Module "CMYK Printer Profiling": NOT licensed
i1Profiler Module "Printer QA": NOT licensed
i1Profiler Module "Advanced-Mode": NOT licensed
i1Profiler Module "Projector": NOT licensed

Button test
Button: Successful

Emission test
Emission calibration: Successful
Prepare the instrument for emission measurement
White measurement: Successful
Gray measurement: Successful
Black measurement: Successful
Red measurement: Successful
Green measurement: Successful
Blue measurement: Successful
Emission: Successful

Button test
Button: Successful

Noise Tests
Noise measurements: Successful
Noise result: Successful

Reflectance test
Reflectance Spot calibration: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 1: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 2: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 3: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 4: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 5: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 6: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 7: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 8: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 9: Successful
Reflectance Spot measurement 10: Successful
Lamp test: Successful
Reflectance drift test: Successful
Reflectance Scan calibration: Successful
Dual Reflectance Spot calibration: Successful
Dual Reflectance Spot test: Successful
Dual Reflectance Scan calibration: Successful

Positioning Sensor Test
Scan with positioning sensors: Successful (Moving distance: 26.1 cm)

*** PASS ***
IMG_2705.JPG (223.58 КБ) 2213 просмотров
IMG_2706.JPG (482.65 КБ) 2213 просмотров
Полный комплект
IMG_2707.JPG (344.83 КБ) 2213 просмотров

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